Tank Trim
Required tank trim includes relief valves, excess flow valves and gauges for temperature, pressure and liquid level. Remote / automatic valve features are often required or desired to provide enhanced product control and safety.
See also: Hazard Detection Systems
Fire Protection
At some locations, "special protection" for tanks (such as mounding, burial, insulating coatings or water-spray systems) may be required or desired to reduce the already small potential for fire-induced tank failures.

Relating Natural Gas and Propane Storage
To allow for expansion of the liquid propane, tanks are never filled to 100%. At 60° F, the maximum filling density is about 85%. The chart and graph below show common tank sizes and net fuel storage capacities in gallons and "millions of Btus" (MMBtu) (1 MMbtu = 1 Dekatherm.) .

Tank Trim Options
Standard Package
- Internal Combination Excess Flow Shutoff Valves
- Manual, Fire-Rated Isolation Valves
- Relief Valves
- Pressure, Temperature, and Level Indicators
Enhanced Control Package
- Standard Package plus:
- Pressure, Temperature, and Level Transmitters
- Remote / automatic safety valves are standard storage tank trim on SSi systems.
- Note: To purchase the Enhanced Package you must also purchase the Enhanced Control Option, which includes a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) necessary to read the transmitters.
Optional Items
- Multiport valves
- Actuated, fire-rated, back-up isolation valves